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Keep forgetting to drink your water?

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Join Us for IN-PERSON

CPR Hands Only "Heartsaver" CPR

-Learn how to do lifesaving CPR
-Get certified with Heartsaver CPR 
-Through the American Heart Association 

FREE Download: SMART goals and mini-milestones Framework

Helping you manage stress, have less pain and live a more joyful life with:

Life Coaching

Book a Free

Consultation Call

The Workshop for Less Stress

Conquer Your Pain

Online Course

Speaking Engagements

Is Your Office Setup Hurting You?

Do you have eye strain, head, neck, or back pain? Maybe your office set up is not conducive to working for long periods of time. We can come on-site to do an ergonomics assessment and give pointers. Proper mechanics are better for your body and mind, make sure your office is not harming you.

People Working in Open Office

Lunch and Learn

Be the best leader by helping your team de-stress and get healthier. Discuss how to lower stress, improve nutrition, get more exercise, and increase mental focus which contribute to increased workplace productivity.

In the Workplace:

Have us come speak to your team or group

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